Erth Points are exchange-traded reward points with the ticker code of Erth .
What are Erth Points?
Erth Points rewards loyal supporters of planet Earth, turning them into loyal customers, and any ECO that is enrolled in our program.
Unlike traditional loyalty systems, Erth creates a triple customer incentive: personal reward, support for their ECO and planet Earth.
Most customers support some sort of club or cause, so the potential market is very vast. The big difference to other reward systems is the emotional incentive supporters will feel.
Erth Points are rewarded automatically to customers, their ECO and planet Earth. The customers can spend them at any business that accepts them as a payment option. The ECO and the foundation can also use them to pay for goods and services, creating a blockchain record of where, when, and how much they spend it, to prove an indelible record against fraud. The ECOs and the foundation can also sell their points at any time to exchange them for local currency.
This means the points only cost the business if they make a sale, making them PAY-per-SALE (nice return on marketing investment). The other big difference with Erth Points is that once gifted, the Erth Points are owned by the recipient, not the business that gifted them, so there’s no liability to the business on the balance sheet.
Because the foundation and a ECO also gets a share, you can feel like you’re meeting both your social and environmental obligations, every time you make a sale.
What are Erth Points?
Erth Points are exchange-traded reward points with the ticker code, Erth.
Erth Points rewards loyal supporters of planet Earth, turning them into loyal customers, and any ECO that is enrolled in our program.
Unlike traditional loyalty systems, Erth creates a triple customer incentive: personal reward, support for their v and planet Earth.
Most customers support some sort of club or cause, so the potential market is very vast. The big difference to other reward systems is the emotional incentive supporters will feel.
Erth Points are rewarded automatically to customers, their ECO and planet Earth. The customers can spend them at any business that accepts them as a payment option. The ECO and the foundation can also use them to pay for goods and services, creating a blockchain record of where, when, and how much they spend it, to prove an indelible record against fraud. The ECOs and the foundation can also sell their points at any time to exchange them for local currency.
This means the points only cost the business if they make a sale, making them PAY-per-SALE (nice return on marketing investment). The other big difference with Erth Points is that once gifted, the Erth Points are owned by the recipient, not the business that gifted them, so there’s no liability to the business on the balance sheet.
Because the foundation and a ECO also gets a share, you can feel like you’re meeting both your social and environmental obligations, every time you make a sale.
The Erth Point System is:
- A continuous passive income generator for ECOs such as sports clubs, churches, charities and not-for-profits;
- A way for their supporters (customers) to find great deals;
- A reward system, equally incentivising supporters, ECOs and the businesses offering those deals;
- A new kind of patented, digitally-traded, loyalty reward point system: Erth Points;
- A PAY-per-SALE marketing system, helping businesses to potentially make more sales and reduce costs;
- A lifeline for the planet, helping individuals, ECOs and businesses to collectively contribute to repairing planet Earth.
Erth brings together loyal supporters, ECOs and businesses in a mutually-incentivised, reward-based ecosystem where all parties benefit.
Using patented technology, businesses can attract supporters using the Erth Point PAY-per-SALE marketing system. Unlike PAY-per-CLICK, which dominates much of the digital marketing landscape. Businesses using Erth Points will know, without doubt, when their marketing budget has successfully yielded a sale because they only pay when the sale is complete.
Using the concepts of affiliate marketing and customer incentivising, Erth has the potential to revolutionise consumer spending. Plus, it supports ECOs and helps to repair planet Earth.
How does it work?
Rewards4Earth helps businesses make more sales and save on marketing costs. Every time a registered supporter makes a purchase from a participating business, that supporter, their nominated ECO and the Rewards4Earth Foundation, each receives Erth Points, triple the points.
To attract supporters of ECOs, businesses allocate some of their marketing budgets to Erth Points on a PAY-per-SALE basis rather than PAY-per-CLICK. Supporters register in the App, nominate their favourite club and register their payment card, which is tokenised; a form of highly secure encryption for the supporters’ peace of mind.
Once a sale is completed, Erth Points are transferred to the customer, the ECO, and the Rewards4Earth Foundation. This process is automated and powered by patented technology. Businesses get access to free advertising and marketing tools and other benefits, such as being visible to potential customers looking for a product or service.
Erth Points are held by consumers in electronic wallets on their smartphones. This enables the supporter to accumulate Erth Points from any participating business worldwide. Once earned, the customer owns them, not the business that gifted them, unlike other reward points.
The ECOs turn their Erth Points into local currency on the exchange, selling them to the businesses that want to attract supporters.
How businesses reward customers
Once a business has registered with Rewards4Earth and downloaded the business App, that business is visible to potential customers (supporters).
Once the business has set its reward percentage, anyone making a purchase from that business will automatically trigger the triple points reward.
There are three different ways goods and services can be paid for using the Erth Point System. The Rewards4Earth technology works in the background to securely track and manage the payment to the merchant and the transfer of the Erth Points reward:
1. Customers can pay with their registered payment card, using their phones and our App as a tap and pay system. Once their payment card is registered, every time they purchase using the Rewards4Earth App at a participating business, the payment is made and the Erth Points are automatically sent to the appropriate parties. The nominated sales percentage minimum is 3% of the sale price.
2. Customers can buy online through “affiliate” links. Within the Rewards4Earth App, there are links to different merchants. Supporters click on the link and complete a purchase on that merchant’s website and the business pays the agreed percentage, a minimum of 3% of the sale price.
3. Customers can pay with cash or with an Apple device, the business will have to use their Rewards4Earth BIZ App to gift Erth Points to the customers. Customers open the Rewards4Earth App and select receive Erth Points and the points will be put into their wallet, their nominated ECO and the Rewards4Earth Foundation wallet, a minimum of 3% of the sale price.
For each option, the value of the transaction and reward offered by the merchant is calculated and the correct value of Erth Points is allocated between the supporter, their nominated ECO and the Rewards4Earth Foundation based on the market price of Erth Points at that time. The number of Erth Points gifted will be different every time as the market value of Erth Points increases or decreases due to supply and demand.
How to accept Erth Points as payment
Erth Points are expected to create a new sense of value amongst customers. Many may well desire to spend the points they have accumulated. The system makes it easy for merchants to accept Erth as full or part payment, if they desire.
For payments to be made using Erth Points, the customer can instantly transfer Erth Points to the merchant’s digital wallet for the agreed price of the product or service. The business simply enters in the full or partial price to be paid and the system calculates the number of points that need to be sent based on the most recent price on the exchange. The correct amount of Erth Points are sent from the customer to the business and the transaction will show in the business app’s transaction history section.
Why the value of Erth Points will change?
Erth Points fluctuate in value based on supply and demand in the market. As points are being continually traded by businesses, ECO’s and the foundation, the price will move up or down constantly.
Erth Points will fluctuate in value, same as anything traded in a free market. Rewards4Earth is not responsible, nor liable for those fluctuations and does not make any warranties, guarantees, opinions and/or suggestions as to the past, current or future value of Erth Points and how their value may behave in the free market.
Please be aware that the value of Erth Points does not affect businesses as they will pay the nominated percentage of a sale price. If the business has agreed to pay 4% of the sale price of say $50.00 that is $2.00 and only the number of Erth Points gifted may vary. A customer may receive 1 Erth Point or 2 Erth Points or 0.03 Erth Points, depending on the market value of Erth Points at the time of the transaction, the $2.00 did not change, only the number of Erth Points gifted.
Why is customer loyalty important?
Repeat business is the most effective way of generating profitable revenue. It’s much more cost-effective to market and sell to an existing customer than to acquire a new one.
Customer loyalty is not a one-way street. According to a 1993-2016 KPMG report, 85% of business growth comes from loyal customers, this can make or break a business. According to studies the cost of acquiring a new customer compared to making a sale to an existing customer can be 5 or 10 times more expensive.
More recent thinking has started to identify that, due to new behaviours driven by digital purchasing options (Forbes), consumers now weigh their buying decisions far more on perceived value. By rewarding your customers with Erth Points you are giving them something of significant perceived value: personal gain, support for their ECOs and helping them do their bit of repairing the planet. Triple the points, the best things really do come in threes.
The other benefit to businesses that use the Erth Point system is that they do not have to have their own loyal customers, they are feeding off the supporters loyalty to their favourite ECO or the loyalty they have to planet Earth. A loyal football supporter may go out of their way to buy from your business just to help support their favourite club, the price becomes less important when you offer additional value. Imagine if you have a Sea Shepherd supporter given the choice between two businesses, one that supports Sea Shepherd and planet Earth and one that doesn’t. Where do you think they will spend their money? They have no choice.
Suddenly acquiring a new customer using our PAY-per-SALE system means the cost to get a new customer is a whole lot more affordable because you tapped into the customers’ pre-existing loyalty to their ECO rather than having to build loyalty between that customer and your business.
What makes a loyal customer?
Customer loyalty is changing as consumers and markets adapt to digital disruption. This means that the old loyalty systems are no longer as effective as they once were. Purchase behaviours are also changing. Yet as human beings, the same biological processes drive our decisions to be loyal or not to a brand or organisation. The digital world has changed the way consumers research, choose and buy; it also has opened up many more options for where and from whom to buy and has made price much more important than it once was. But what if it is no longer about loyalty to your business, but loyalty to the customers’ ECO?
Technology has also enabled new ways to adapt to this change, and Erth Points is a pioneering example. Rewards4Earth has recognised these shifts and created a new purpose-driven reward system that drives loyalty to brands and businesses. It’s the purpose, controlled by the consumer through whom they choose to benefit, coupled with the sustained support to repair the Earth, enhanced with a personal benefit, that will drive the new world of customer loyalty.
Research shows more than 50% of customers will do almost anything to earn more loyalty points. When customers are rewarded with Erth Points they’ll feel they’ve received something of value.
Businesses can reward Erth Points to customers as a loyalty bonus, as well as to attract new customers, which encourages repeat spending from all. Once rewarded, Erth Points belong to the recipient and can be used at their discretion without the risk of expiration or loss, should the business close.
The Rewards4Earth platform lets businesses to relevant potential customers in real-time through the free business directory and search functions. Businesses can also send opted-in customers free push notifications with special offers.
But what if the definition of loyalty has changed? The old loyalty paradigm was all about giving the customers points that they can only spend with your business, forced loyalty. But what if the new definition is all about collecting points that they may never spend with your business, they buy with you to collect points they may never spend with you? What if the customers’ sole reason to collect points is to help with their deposit on their home? Or to support their favourite ECO or to save the planet, spending their points is irrelevant. Old style loyalty points were never about getting them to spend the points at your business anyway, as that sale was a total loss to your business, it cost you money, so why bother with that sale and just try and get more sales where the customer wants to simply buy something to collect points.
As an example, a customer may have purchased a flight costing them an extra $100 to earn $1.00 worth of frequent flyer points, which is neither beneficial nor rational. On top of that, when they spend those points the airline loses money, because those points were a liability, not an asset. Now with Erth Points, you have no liability, only the benefit of making more sales.
The difference between Erth Points & traditional loyalty systems:
Erth Points is not an old-fashioned loyalty system. Developing customer loyalty is just one of its many benefits. It is truly unique and much much more than a simple loyalty system.
With innovative thinking and patented technology, Rewards4Earth is creating a sense of purpose in consumers that will benefit ECO’s and businesses. As such, it’s unique. Old style loyalty points are all about forcing the customer to come back to buy again, but it also produces a deferred liability that the business eventually has to pay for. The clients can only earn points at that business, they can only redeem points at that business. The points all added up and had to be redeemed, meaning the business had to pay eventually and if all the customers redeemed at the same time, that could cause a business huge issues, hence the reason airlines don’t let customers redeem points when the customer wants to, only when it suits the airline. Let’s be honest, this is all about the business, not the customer and what they want.
Erth Points can be earned at any participating business, and spent at any business that accepts them worldwide, and they don’t expire, Erth Points are all about the customer and what they want. Businesses also benefit as they do not have any deferred liability to come up and hurt cash flow at the worst possible time. Businesses have already paid for them on a PAY-per-SALE basis and therefore there is no deferred liability, meaning all customers pay like normal, or they pay in points which have a value and you can sell if needed for the market price, which is what you transacted them for to receive them. So there is not the much-dreaded redemption sale where your business gets nothing for your goods or services. Erth Points are designed to drive sales, and bring more customers back to your business, again and again without the dreaded free redemption sale and with its deferred liability.
Once rewarded, Erth Points belong entirely to the recipient. The business can’t devalue them (as is the case with most traditional loyalty point systems) and if the business shuts down the customer doesn’t lose them. Customers are not senseless, they know what is best for them and what is best for the business.
Loyalty marketing in the digital age
The Internet changed marketing, a new way of engaging and incentivising customers to create loyalty is now available.
The First Phase of advertising was a newspaper (print), then radio and then TV where businesses paid in the hope sales would come. Sometimes this was extremely profitable while other times it was merely expensive, resulting in losses. In reality, it has always been PAY-and-HOPE marketing because businesses have to pay regardless of whether any sales are made or not.
The Second Phase ushered in digital technology, a new world of consumer marketing, dominated by PAY-per-CLICK, where businesses pay for traffic to their website, regardless of whether a sale is completed. Despite the huge growth in performance metrics and attribution reporting, too many a ‘dark art’; understood by relatively few digital experts, resulting in doubts over return on investment (ROI) especially with phantom clicks made by competitors or BOTS. In reality, though it is still PAY-and-HOPE marketing because businesses pay for CLICKS and hope for sales.
The Third Phase PAY-per-SALE, Erth Point marketing provides a new way to achieve improved ROI results from marketing. Working alongside your existing digital advertisers’ campaigns with Google and Facebook to drive traffic, businesses can convert those new and existing customers into Erth Point VIP customers. The result is improved visibility of marketing expenditure and outstanding results where the businesses only pay if they make a sale.
The Erth Point system enables businesses to attract supporters of ECOs and people that want to help save the planet every time a business only makes a sale. Businesses can work with ECOs for specific promotions to ECO’s supporters and only pay when a sale is made to one of those supporters. Those supporters can also become VIP’s of that business and receive special offers, and again the business only pays if one of those supporters buys from the business. The ECO also gets rewarded so all parties including the customer are happy as they all benefit when a sale is made.
Marketing tools included
Rewards4Earth also provides free marketing tools, including a listing in its local directory, local search function, geo-location services and
free push notifications to your VIP customers.
Businesses who join Rewards4Earth will be listed in the local directory of the App, so customers can search for participating businesses to buy from. Geo-location services mean that potential customers in your area will find your business when they search. We will also be installing a national App that is based on business and product type enabling people to buy from your business that is not in your area but want to earn Erth Points to order from your business so you benefit, the customer benefits, their ECO benefits and the planet benefits.
Customers also have the option to become a VIP for your business and opt-in to receive direct messages and push notifications; a great way to communicate special offers with no cost to your business. You’ll be growing your customer loyalty, save on advertising and marketing costs and help to repair the planet. The customer controls the frequency of the push notifications, we also suggest the business use some common sense. Customers may want to hear about a special offer from a restaurant once a week, but it is doubtful they want to hear about a special on tires once a week, so please set your push notifications accordingly as, like any system, customers can opt-out. Our system does provide the ability for less frequency which we think will reduce the number of opt-outs.
As we progress our Erth Ambassadors will act more like business coaches, learning what works with a coffee shop in Sydney and their promotions with the local soccer team also works with coffee shops in Perth and most cities or towns in Australia. The beauty of this system is that businesses that are part of the Erth Point system can all benefit from each other without actually competing directly with each other. All parties benefit from the shared learning and experiences, the customer, the business, the ECO and the planet can all benefit, how cool is that?
PAY-per-SALE or PAY-per-CLICK marketing?
PAY-per-CLICK has been around for a while and although it has been very successful for some businesses, other businesses have been less happy with allegations of competitors and bots clicking on their ads. This increases the number of clicks, so marketing expenses go up while sales stay the same or even go down as the ads get removed once the budget has been used up. Rewards4Earth offers a PAY-per-SALE system, which changes the marketing game totally.
The best part of the Erth Point system is that all parties have aligned goals, all the parties only benefit when a sale is made so all parties want a sale to occur and only benefit when a sale occurs. The customer is the focus, we all want the customer to buy and no party benefits from clicks, which is not a sale, no party benefits unless the customer buys from the business. The business benefits when a customer buys, the ECO only benefits when a sale is made, the Erth Ambassador only benefits when a sale is made, Rewards4Earth only benefits when a customer buys, planet Earth only benefits when the customer buys. Every party benefits when the customer buys and no party benefits if the customer does not buy so all parties want the customer to get a great deal so the customer buys. This alignment of a singular objective for the customer to get a great deal and be very happy when they purchase is extremely unique and has never been available before in the world of marketing, it is the holy grail of marketing.
Businesses can work with ECOs to package up products and services for supporters so that the customer gets a great deal and all parties benefit. In Australia businesses currently pay $200 million every week for clicks and we send most of that money 15,000km away to two companies, to attract customers that live less than 10km from the business in most cases.
With the Erth Point system the business makes sales to customers, the customer gets a great deal, the business is happy and benefits from that sale, the ECO is more than likely local and they benefit, the Erth Ambassador is more than likely also local and they benefit, Rewards4Earth benefits and so does the planet which may also assist with a local cause. By keeping some of that $200 million local every week the local community also benefits as the money is spent locally.
The Mastermind Alliance
Napoleon Hill loosely describes the Mastermind Alliance as “two or more minds working together with a common objective for the common good”. This is about as close a description as it is possible to get when describing the Erth Point system. We have two or more minds, a Business, a ECO and an Erth Ambassador working with the Rewards4Earth team to benefit customers (supporters) so that all parties including planet Earth benefit. This is very different from other marketing services, where the shareholders of two extremely profitable and valuable companies are the biggest beneficiaries of the entire world’s spending on marketing.